The Harper brothers Charlie and Alan are almost opposites but form a great team. They have little in common except their dislike for their mundane, maternally cold and domineering mother, Evelyn. Alan, a compulsively neat chiropractor and control-freak, i..
„Mrs. Fletcher“ versteht sich als ‚doppelte‘ Coming-of-Age-Story, welche die Auswirkungen von Online-Pornos, Dating-Portalen und sozialen Medien auf unsere intimsten Beziehungen unter die Lupe nimmt. Im Zentrum steht die titelgebende Eve Fletcher..
Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper are both brilliant physicists working at Cal Tech in Pasadena, California. They are colleagues, best friends and roommates, although in all capacities their relationship is always tested primarily by Sheldon's regimen..
The year is 2030. Ted Mosby is relaying the story of how he met his wife to his daughter and son. The story starts in the year 2005, when then twenty-seven year old architect Ted was spurred on to want to get married after lawyer Marshall Eriksen and kind..